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i Sabbath in Jesus

Lessons from reading

the Gospel of Mark

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

In the first few weeks of His ministry on earth, Jesus was giving out “samples.”

He used the “sampling method”

as He hopped from town to town,

healing and planting seeds in as many as He could in a short period.

Mark 1

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Jesus Himself describes His role on earth

as that of a Physician.

He came to heal—to restore

the sick and broken to wholeness.

His salvation is about healing the whole person.

Mark 2

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Press through and find ways to meet with Jesus despite circumstances—

just like the paralytic who had to

circumvent a whole crowd

and go through the roof.

Mark 2

The Struggling Believer

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“I came not to call the righteous, but sinners”

Jesus, in this declaration, is giving every person hope against a fearful undiluted reality.

Mark 2

The Struggling Believer

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Jesus considers those who live

by the principle of Love

as His family.

Mark 3

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Jesus is Master even of the sea.

The winds and the waves obey Him.

Mark 4

The Struggling Believer

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Jesus would tell a Legion-possessed man to spread the news of his healing if there was a potential hearer—in this case, the woman who eventually touched His garment—who was ready to believe.

On the other hand, Jesus would tell Jairus’ family to keep their daughter’s resurrection a secret

if potential hearers would only laugh at it.

Mark 5

The Struggling Believer

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After a long and hard labor for souls,

Jesus recommends we go alone with God

and rest a while.

Mark 6

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Jesus is a great Provider.

He didn’t just give people food for the soul—

He also fed them physical bread.

Mark 6

The Struggling Believer

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Got a noble cause?

Use what you have, ask the blessing of heaven,

and God will multiply your resources for you.

You’ll even have leftovers to give

to those who minister with you.

Mark 6

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

After feeding the 5,000 both spiritual and physical food,

Jesus went back to His original intent

of taking His own portion of the bread of life

from His heavenly Father.

Mark 6

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Jesus worked on “brand awareness.”

By the end of the chapter, the people already knew Him and what He could do for them.

  • “And when they got out of the boat, the people immediately recognized Him, and ran about the whole region and began to bring the sick people on their beds to wherever they heard He was.” Mark 6:54, 55, ESV

He was to them the Healer.

Mark 6

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

A Legion-possessed man is freed.

He spreads the news.

One 12-year-sick woman hears.

In faith, she touches the Healer’s garment.

Then, everyone else implores Him that they, too, might touch even the fringe and be healed.

Mark 5 & 6

The Struggling Believer

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Some things are just out of our command.

We can’t control everything

that comes to us and inside of us.

But, we can choose, i.e., filter

what goes out of ourselves.

Mark 7

The Struggling Believer

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Jesus makes use of what He has, of what we have, of the meager that we hold in our hands.

He’ll make miracles with them.

Mark 8

The Struggling Believer

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When Jesus does a miracle once,

He’s able to do it many more times.

Mark 8

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Sometimes Jesus makes use of matter

to bring healing to people.

Mark 7 & 8

The Struggling Believer

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Jesus rebukes this mindset.

It’s not a matter of "if you can."

All things are possible for the one who believes.

Mark 9

The Struggling Believer

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If Jesus doesn’t want anyone

to know His whereabouts,

He has a clear purpose in mind.

Mark 9

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Jesus places a high value

on marriage and children.

Mark 10

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

“New Testament” authors

honor the authority and

historical accuracy

of the book of Genesis.

Mark 10

The Struggling Believer

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To be truly rich is to abundantly give.

Mark 10

The Struggling Believer

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Jesus didn’t use any matter

to make blind Bartimaeus see.

His word and the beggar’s faith

were enough to heal.

Mark 10

The Struggling Believer

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What do you want Me to do for you?

1 question. 2 different answers.

James and John wanted Jesus

to make them the greatest.

Blind Bartimaeus desired only

mercy and healing from the Son of David.

The latter request was granted.

Mark 10

The Struggling Believer

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Bear fruit both in season and out of season.

Mark 11

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

If you fear no one, you won’t have to formulate

an evading response.

Mark 11

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Jesus cannot be fooled by flattery.

The truth, said to evoke favor by deceit,

won’t budge Him who is Truth Himself.

Mark 12

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

There’ll be no marriage

in heaven—

no additional human being

while the millennium is on—

while we’re reviewing

why some earthlings are there

and others aren’t.

Mark 12

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

To love the Person of Love

and to love our fellow creatures

created by His love—

these are the greatest principles of life.

Mark 12

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

In giving,

God accounts in terms of proportions,

not the raw numbers.

A humble 100%

is greater than

an intimidating 1%.

Mark 12

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Jesus desires everyone to be saved.

His warnings about the signs of the times

are to help us stay awake.

He wants to keep us from being deceived

by anyone pretending

to represent Him and His teachings.

Mark 13

The Struggling Believer

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That no one, except the Father, knows the day

or the hour of Jesus’ Second Coming,

is a blessing to frail humans.

A clear future deadline

would trigger procrastination,

and a declared date could bring

present-day reverence

down to the level of mere pretension.

Mark 13

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Jesus acknowledges what you

do for Him wholeheartedly.

Mark 14

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

The Holy Spirit was at work with Jesus on earth.

The former was coordinating the latter’s

guest room booking

for that special Passover night.

Mark 14

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Jesus stays silent amid accusation.

Despite conflicting testimonies about Him,

He doesn’t explain Himself.

He does confirm when asked if He’s the Christ.

It was probably the accusers’ last chance

to back off, but they considered it blasphemy.

It turns out they won’t believe Him anyway.

Mark 14

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Frail was the disciples’ faith in Jesus.

They betrayed and denied Him

to preserve their own lives.

They fled frightfully.

Steadfast was Jesus’ faith in His Father.

He represented Him patiently

despite the risk to His own life.

He stood silent.

Mark 14

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

NOT in our own faith IN Jesus

but in the faith OF Jesus—

This is where our confidence is strongest

and our souls safest.

Mark 14

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Jesus died loving humanity,

faithfully representing the character of God.

Mark 15

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Jesus also rested on the Sabbath hours

as Redeemer.

Mark 15

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

When God miraculously works the impossible

just the way He said He would,

it’s NOT too good to be true.


Mark 16

The Struggling Believer

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Signs and wonders

will accompany Gospel preaching

ONLY IF demonstrated in Jesus’ name—

that is, driven by LOVE for humankind—

NOT by the selfish ambition to be recognized

as someone who can perform miracles.

Mark 16

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Lessons from reading


The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

God SAW TO IT—He made sure—that it was good.

Genesis 1

The Struggling Believer

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In Creation, God

  • Let—He was non-coercive
  • Saw—He examined
  • Separated—He established boundaries
  • Called—He gave each an identity

In ReCreation, God lets you in,

sees your heart, separates the good and the bad,

and calls you by a new name.

Genesis 1

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

For signs, seasons, days, and years—

the sun and the moon were for these.

But the week? There was none to mark it.

God Himself sliced 7 days

and made it the weekly cycle.

Genesis 1

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Everything was GOOD individually,

and then they were VERY GOOD altogether.

God created a perfect system

where the secret to thriving as a whole

is to each #TakeToGive.

The earth was made to be sustainable.

Genesis 1

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

God gave Adam and Eve dominion

NOT to destroy the earth He just made sure

was good,

but to keep it as He would, i.e.,

to let it thrive in Love.

Genesis 1

The Struggling Believer

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Everyone with the breath of life,

including the animals,

was to eat plants.

It was God’s original design.

In a sustainable earth where

everyone lives on by Love,

there was to be NO bloodshed.

Genesis 1

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

“male and female He created them”

God’s image involves a relationship.

God is Love, after all.

Genesis 1

The Struggling Believer

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The Sabbath is blessed because

God Himself rested on it.

No one can change what God Himself did.

Genesis 2

The Struggling Believer

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God gave Adam creative freedom.

The Creator asked the first man

to name the animals,

and whatever name Adam called each,

that was its name.

Genesis 2

The Struggling Believer

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Eve was part of Adam.

The rest of humankind is part of each other.

We were supposed to abide in Love.

Genesis 2

The Struggling Believer

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EVERY tree but one

speaks of abundance rather than scarcity

and freedom over restriction.

God is a Giver who plants for humans

a garden full of pleasure and goodness.

EVERY tree but one

was not to deny

but to establish identities

for Love to transpire.

Genesis 2

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

Stress, guilt, fear, shame, and pain—

these were but the beginnings

of humanity’s experience of death.

On the day Adam and Eve chose anti-love,

they surely did begin to die.

Genesis 3

The Struggling Believer

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God asks what, where, who, and why

NOT because He doesn’t know

but because we often choose denial

whenever we’re guilty.

Instead of putting others under the blame,

He wants us to name the shame,

as it’s the first step to healing

from sin’s miserable pain.

Genesis 3 & 4

The Struggling Believer

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God’s exercise of justice on Cain

was an act of mercy to him too.

His toil with the ground

would have been an opportunity for reflection,

and his wandering,

a journey to finding his way back.

Genesis 4

The Struggling Believer

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Cain worked the ground and brought fruits of his own labor. He hurt his ego when he heard they weren’t enough to cover his life.

But he knew.

It’s just that he wouldn’t slay a Lamb

for long-hid guilt

but would haste to kill a brother

for guilt found out.

Genesis 4

The Struggling Believer

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Genesis 5

The Struggling Believer

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i Sabbath in Jesus

will be updated

as we go along our study

in the mean time,

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